314 Given Ave
Lexington , KY
United States of America
Credentials: Harpist, Lexington Philharmonic; Faculty, University of Kentucky, Centre College, Lexington Talent Education Association
Specialties/Focus: Orchestral Harp & Wind Symphony Repertoire, Harp Ensemble and pedagogy, working on a progression of Harp Classics with technical points and theory vocabulary for each piece, Jazz & Improvisation, Popular classics; Also active in Balinese Gamelan Ensemble.
Current Position(s): University of Kentucky Lexington, faculty Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra, principal harpist
Chapter: Lexington
Second Chapter: Cincinnati
Interests: popular music, orchestral music, lever harp, pedal harp, world music, therapeutic music, classical music
Categories: Harpist, Composer, Professional, Teacher