379 Old Lancaster Rd
Subury , MA
United States of America
Credentials: Faculty: Professor of Harp, Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA; Private Studio: Sudbury, MA (FaceTime/Skype lessons available); Faculty member: Harp Column Academy, Classical, folk, jazz, improvisational styles, chamber music, and business coaching; Specializing in jazz and popular styles; Author: Berklee Harp and Contemporary Etudes for Harp; Regional Director for the Northeast Region AHS; See our Facebook page, Gildedharps
Specialties/Focus: Jazz and Improvisation Current PhD work on Patriarchy in Jazz
Current Position(s): Professor of Harp, Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA
Chapter: Boston
Second Chapter: Philadelphia
Interests: pedal harp, classical music, popular music, jazz, liturgical music, orchestral music, folk/Celtic music, historical music, world music, lever harp, electric harp, folk/ethnic (i.e. Paraguayan, Celtic harp
Categories: Harpist, Teacher, Composer, Professional